Library Day

September5, 2015
by Shibumi
Shibumi has been exploring the possibility to look a fresh at the functioning of the library. We have no dedicated librarian and to keep the the library alive is now the collective responsibility of all the teachers, students and some parents who have plunged in.
What is the intent of the library?
It is a demand for awareness:  Of the collection. Of the various aspects of use; of the joys of reading; Of the nature of the library; Of the care inherent in its smooth running; Of the necessity of individual and collective responsibility, ownership, active involvement and accountability. 
We are coming to understand and enter into this intent, and things are happening without tremendous effort or confusion.
One of the ideas to keep the library alive was to have a dedicated day to bring attention to the library and celebrate it. Once in two months perhaps. When we brain stormed about all the activities we would like to do on such a day, the ideas were many.
We recently had our first library day. Four students (Sidh,Asba, Varun and Yash) took interest in organising the day and it would not have happened without them.
We started the day with storytelling for the different groups of students.
The entire school then met up to listen to book talks by a parent, teacher and student. This was wonderful, and the books were borrowed as soon as the book talk ended!
We then played the ‘book buddy’ game. Where each of us at school suggested a book to our buddy (chosen by picking a chit). So each one of us ended up borrowing a book on library day!

Following this, the entire school was split into three stations.
         Book Repair Station

         Book review station

         Posters station- to encourage the love for reading.

This turned out to be great fun and lots of informal talking about books happened, sharing stories, books, and even reading while at the stations.
We ended the day by filling in a ‘library questionnaire’ that the library committee (consisting of students, parents and teachers) put together.

All in all, it was a warm start to something we want to see happen more through the year.


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The admission process for 2024-25 has concluded for children till O-levels (10th grade).

We invite parents whose children are interested in the intent of the space in the A-level program to apply for admission with us.