Isaura Trek in the Ghats

January10, 2011
by Shibumi
Here are some photos from our trek in the Western Ghats with the Isaura group. We were away from school about 3 weeks this November, trekking in the Manmad region — the northernmost bit of the Ghats.

… On our marvellous onion-truck ride from Manmad to Mulher.

In Mulher village, which was a base we touched again and again on our trip, and which began feeling like home…

At the Ganesh temple en route to the Mulher and Mora forts…

Cooking over damp firewood, trying in vain to keep the smoke out of our eyes and lungs! But so much fun…

At Someshwar temple, our base for the climb to Mulher and Mora forts…

And the view of Mora-gad from there;
“I saw this light coming from there, between those two hills, and it was MAGICAL, I wanted to just GO there!” – Sagar. 🙂 …

Climbing to the ruins of the forts…

Lemon Pansy or Grass Yellow? Sneaking up on butterflies for his documentation pictures…

Kedar’s attempt at photographing lightning from the caves at the Salher plateau-top 🙂 …

At Haranbari lake/dam…

Onions, onions everywhere …

Atop the Mangi-Tungi hills…

Our last climb, the Ankai-Tankai forts: we finally saw some substantial fort-ness here…
With Govindbhai and his lovely, warm, warm family who made Mulher feel like home for us …

Comments (3)

Shibumi is a fantastic endevaour. Reverence for the child and perhaps a deep interest in education reform are two areas of common ground shared between Shibumi and our newly formed school based on Rudolf Steiner's principles. It will be good to meet and share ideas as we move ahead.

Wow. Such a beautiful collection! I'd love to come visit sometime. I'm from Rishi Valley School.


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